About 7 years ago my father in law died. He had lived a great life and was loved by many. A few years before he passed, he told me he would like me to play a certain song at his funeral. I had forgotten all about it until we were sitting in the office at the mortuary planning the program. They had the musack playing "soothing music", There were beautiful statues of Jesus with children, beautiful silk floral arrangements, beautiful pictures on the walls. The carpet and drapes were a soothing color, there were Sentsys with lavender scent that filled the whole place, all this supposedly to lower the stress of the situation.
We are all sitting around a table talking about what we want on the program and my sister in law says "what was that one song Dad wanted? He use to tell me he wanted that classical piece at his funeral." I knew just what she was talking about, but I hadn't played it in at least a year and I knew I couldn't get it ready in three days. Plus I was already singing with my husband. So I just sat there, tears rolling down my face of course. Just as we were finishing up, standing up to go home the music playing through the mortuary changes and it started playing "Clare De Lune" . It's the song that plays at the end of "Oceans 11" when the group is standing by the dancing waters and they turn to go one by one. That is the song my father in law wanted played at his funeral. My mother in law and sister in law were shaking hands with the mortician thanking him for his help and my sister in law stops. "That is the song, that's the song he wanted at his service what is the name of it?" I told her the name
and she said. "There isn't any more room on the program, we will have them play it in the prelude and postlude." I was ok with that as long as I didn't have to play it.
After I thought about it I thought "Oh my goodness, he was here, he was making sure we got that song on the program. Why else would that song have played at just that moment?" I know he understood about me not playing it, I felt peaceful about the whole thing.
I'm glad to know he was there.
In Aug 2012 My mother in law died. Another very sad occasion. She wanted every thing in Pink.
The mortician even spray painted the vault pink, it was a nice touch. Every one wore pink, the men in pink shirts and ties, pink flowers every where. My kind of funeral. My husband took this much harder than when his father died. We had had a very traumatic year before then and it didn't get any better after the funeral either.
My husband would go up to the cemetery and stand at his parents graves when he began to miss his mom.
I received a cast call for couples to do a commercial. It was to take place at a dance hall and they wanted couples of all ages and musicians of all ages to participate in this commercial shoot.
My husband and I know how to dance. His parents taught us while we were dating. We use to dance all the time.
On set the 2nd AD told us where to stand and to start dancing when the music started to play. Music began and I listened to it for a minute and told my husband "The Swing? Are we doing the swing?" He said "Well actually it is suppose to be the fox trot. But I don't know the fox trot."
We had a nice time dancing, it had been so long since we had been dancing. I was glad they only shoot for a few minutes then said cut. I was way out of shape and it was hard to dance any longer than we did. During one of the breaks I looked at my husband and said "I'll bet your mom and dad are here, smiling at us." he said "yes they're here, my mom talked to me when I said I didn't know the fox trot. She said "I taught you the fox trot you should know that.'" I smiled, I could imagine her saying that to him. The crew told us we danced great and looked like we had lessons and my husband told them all that his mom and dad taught us. They taught many a lot of young men and women in their years as church dance directors.
A while after, that our marriage wasn't going to well. You know how sometimes a marriage can be great and sometimes it can be bad. like high tide and low tide. Well this was a low tide moment, actually a couple of low tide weeks. I was at a loss as to what to do. Then one day my husband started holding my hand and paying attention to me. He said "let's go buy you a new lap top, I know yours has problems." I was surprised I didn't want to jinx it but I had to know what had changed his thinking. So I asked, he said "I went up to mom and dad's grave yesterday and I'm standing there thinking about them and you pop into my head and I hear my mom say Floyd, we brought you up better than that. You know how you are suppose to treat your wife." and things changed from that moment on. There were a couple of oops moments but all in all it is a high tide marriage again.
I am glad to know she is still watching over us and keeps tabs on her kids. <3
Haunted Ogden
We are now teaching classes and doing ghost hunts where you can tag along. For info go to www.hauntedogden.com
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Ghost Inspiration at Karaoke
This is a true story, it really happened but I have changed the names because privacy is a big thing with ghost hunters.
Karaoke night, oh how I have missed it. Great friends playing bad pool, laughing, talking, voxting each other while sitting at the same table. We are easily entertained what can I say.
While looking through the Karaoke song book I noticed an obituary hanging on the wall of the bar.. Being a person who is interested in dead people, I got up and took pictures of it with my phone. All I could read was the name, so I googled the name on my phone. " Find a grave" came up. I don't think I have mentioned the Find A Grave Web Site. It is awesome! Put in a name and it will find their grave if possible. You can add graves to the site that you know and ask people to take a picture of the headstone if you want. You can also help people by taking pictures of headstones they would like.
www.findagrave.com check it out.
Any way, back to Karaoke night. The name came up on find a grave, on my phone and it had no significance to any of my research, but it gave me an idea to look up a person that has passed that I have been searching for. So I typed that name into "find a grave"and all this information came up, even a picture.
I know I have searched there before and found nothing. Now all the sudden I'm with the people who are most interested in the research of this particular person and I, all the sudden, find information and a picture!
I down loaded the picture to my phone and showed the friends I was with.
I first showed it to Amy. She got a stunned look on her face.
Her blood started pumping and pulse was racing. "Is that. . .. who is that.?" Amy questioned.
"You obviously have a feeling of who it is, who do you think it is?" Her face was white as a ghost (no pun intended) and her breath was rapid. I showed my other friend, Cathy and she had the same reaction.
"Is it. . . Is is who i think it is?" she said. I replied "who do YOU think it is?"
"It has to be Lisha" I nodded my head and both friends immediately wanted me to forward the picture to their phones. Which I did. Cathy texted another of our friends who knew about Lisha. " Guess who Robin found" was the text. She included the picture. And immediately He texted back "Is That Lisha? OMG how did she find that?"
We've all looked on find a grave for Lisha. We have looked every where we could think of for information on Lisha. We never did find much. I contacted the person who uploaded Lisha's information and I asked if he had any other information, he said he had been looking for Lisha's information for ever as well. She is part of his genealogy, but he hadn't found anything. Then some family member posted stuff on another family history web site and he was able to get all this information from them.
The way this all happened seems like a twilight zone episode to me. Research doesn't usually happen like that. Makes me wonder if Lisha had anything to do with it? Maybe she knew Cathy, Amy, and I were going to be together that night and Maybe Lisha whispered in my ear to look her up. I don't know but it sure seemed like a very well played coincidence.
This has been one of the most fascinating cases ever. It includes a ghost having a crush on a living person and visa versa, ghosts using cell phones, tables moving on their own. Just an amazing case.
I believe Lisha was helping us the whole time.
Remember to hit the follow button so you can be updated when stories are posted and when the book is coming out and other important events. Happy Haunting to you all.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Elevator part 2
I recently found out exactly where the Elevator at Ogden's Historic Union Station came from.
Boyles furniture was torn down to make room for the "New" Ogden mall. They were able to save the beautiful elevator and install it in Union Station during the remodel in the 1970's.
The beautiful ornate mirror in the Old Timers Hall was also from the Boyle Furniture company but originally it was in the beautiful Opera House that had been on Washington Blvd between 25th and 26th.
This mirror is said to be haunted although I've never heard a first hand or even second hand account.
There does seem to be a little girl haunting the depot. Employees and paranormal investigators have heard her giggle and caught it on voice recorders.
There will be several stories in the book "Death At The Station" that will give insight to who it may be. But I don't think we will ever know for sure.
Boyles furniture was torn down to make room for the "New" Ogden mall. They were able to save the beautiful elevator and install it in Union Station during the remodel in the 1970's.
The beautiful ornate mirror in the Old Timers Hall was also from the Boyle Furniture company but originally it was in the beautiful Opera House that had been on Washington Blvd between 25th and 26th.
This mirror is said to be haunted although I've never heard a first hand or even second hand account.
There does seem to be a little girl haunting the depot. Employees and paranormal investigators have heard her giggle and caught it on voice recorders.
There will be several stories in the book "Death At The Station" that will give insight to who it may be. But I don't think we will ever know for sure.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
A few weeks ago as I was rambling on about Ogdens Historic Union Station I mentioned the elevator. to tell you the truth I'm not exactly sure where the elevator came from. It has a big B on it. I heard it came from the BenLomnd hotel when they remodled and I heard it came from the Boyles furniture store. The elevator itself is kind of creepy.
One time while setting up for an investigation, one of our members loaded up the elevator with all the equiptment, I got in and we were ready to go, at the last possible second the other member jumped out of the elevator and said "OOOHHHH NOOOOOO!". Obviously this person had no chivalry, because they didn't hold the door so I could get out as well, they just jumped out themselves. The elevator began to move up and opened on the second floor, nothing had happened, I didn't feel any thing and we unloaded the elevator and got set up for the investigation. I just didn't think it was right that one member felt something off about the elevator and only thought about getting their hide off and not worrying about any one else.
I will continue to try to find out where that elevator came from. I'd like to mention that sometimes that elevator has a mind of it's own and moves up or down when no one has touched the buttons. More study needs to be done on that.
But Spring scream is almost upon us. This is a chance for you to come on an investigation at the Historical Ogden Union Station and ride the elevator, have your picture taken by the window in Old Timers hall.
And maybe if your lucky you will hear the little girl laugh. . . . . . . Oh I haven't told you about that? hmmm
Next time!
happy hauntings to you
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Did I mention I am writing a book? Several in fact, by writing I mean compiling. I'm compiling several books on . . . . .drum roll please. . . . . Death. Surprise!
Actually the first one is Historical. The chronological account of deaths at Union Station from newspapers, books, life histories etc.
The next one will be about "Ghosts at the Station". This is a compilation of stories from people who have experienced a paranormal moment or two at Ogden's Union Station. I hope maybe we can connect a couple of the experiences with a confirmed death from the first book. I have stories from employees, volunteers, guests, paranormal investigators and I want to include your experience as well.
Any one that has had or thinks they have had a paranormal experience at Ogden Union Station is invited to share their story with me to add to this book. Here is a form to get you started.
The third book is "Stories At The Station". This book will be paranormal stories that you share with me that didn't happen at Union Station. Every time we do an event at the station many people come up and tell us their paranormal experience that happened at their grandmas house or someone elses house, work, church, where ever. I love these stories and I know you will too. If you have had a paranormal experience at all, please share your story with me here or at any of the above links.
Personal experiences are always so much more creepy than fictional ones.
It may include other paranormal groups and their experiences. Also first hand paranormal experiences from some of the businesses in downtown Ogden and maybe other places in Utah.
There are some very special stories I'm dying to tell you in this book. Incredible experiences I have personally had or some one I know personally had and YOU if you will share with me.
So again share your story, don't be shy, we won't think you are crazy I promise. This is a safe place to share your story of your paranormal experience. :-)
Ok, I'm done begging (for now). Hope to hear from you soon.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Safety Rules for paranormal investigators
I know you are an adult and can think for your self. I know you are intelligent and sensible and you know all about being safe on an investigation. But I thought I would go over a few. of the rules I recommend and I'll tell you why
#1. Never go investigating alone. You could get hit on the head by a low beam and pass out, you could have a sudden drop in blood sugar and you could pass out, asthma attack, falling and breaking your leg in a location where there is no signal for your phone. Some homeless guy could jump out of the bushes and
.try to take take you home with him. or where ever. Although these possibilities are slim, they can happen.
.try to take take you home with him. or where ever. Although these possibilities are slim, they can happen.
Just aks my team about the Low beam and the low blood sugar.
Have you seen the movie "127 hours"? That is why you don't go alone. If you haven't seen it rent it.
#2. Always tell some one else where you are going. Again if no one knows where you are and you get stuck in a cave with no cell phone reception, who's going to come looking for you?
#3. Actually 1,2,and 3 are THE most important things to remember when you are thinking of doing an investigation. They all rank together as #1. This one DO NOT TRESPASS!!, EVER. It is against the law, you could be ticketed and made to look foolish. And not only you but every other paranormal investigator those cops encounter are going to have an invisible FOOLISH, written on their forhead. Believe me this has happened a couple of times with groups I have been with. Not investigating but doing other projects. Cops showed up and threatened to take every one to jail. Not just the person in charge who should have gotten the permission, but all of us. And the cops sat there while we packed up and left.
Paranormal investigating is not worth getting in trouble with the authorities. Graveyards ,though really cool after dark, should not be visited after dark. Most cemeteries close the gates at dusk and you would be trespassing after that. Unless you can talk to the sexton and arrange with him or her to be there.
#4 this may seem ridiculous but you need to have a flashlight. Believe me, I've been on investigations where people haven't had one and I admit I may have misplaced my a time or two and had to go with out one to the investigation.
I think I will leave it at that for tonight.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Confession #1
#1 Confession. . . . . . We don't HUNT Ghosts. We are
paranormal investigators.
In Utah the definition of Hunting something means you
pack up a bag of warm clothing, ammunition, sometimes a tent and sleeping bags
and usually a case of beer, you go up in the mountains with your shot gun and
try to kill some poor defenseless animal. You sit around with your
friends in the dark, telling stories, drinking, Waiting for the sun rise so the
hunt can begin. If you did manage to kill some poor animal, you drag it
back home bragging how you shot the biggest one.
The only similarities to what we do and hunting is packing a
bag and sitting in the dark with friends.
We actually wait for Sundown to start our 'hunt' (although
it isn't necessary)
We shoot things with EMF detectors, video cameras and audio
We DON'T want to drag any thing back home with us.
We don't drink beer while investigating unless we think it
will draw out a spirit.
But plenty of coffee and tea are consumed.
#1 Fact: There are no facts in paranormal investigation. A fact has to be proven. Pretty much the only thing we can prove is there is something out there. And what we may capture on video or audio isn't necessarily going to prove any thing to you. Unless you experience it for your self you will probably not be convinced of any thing. Which is the way it should be.
#2 Fact: Our definition of "Haunted" needs to be revised. Haunted has a negative connotation, we've had experiences with spirits that have been any thing but negative. Our definition of "Ghost" also needs to be looked at. These are people who once were alive and had a body like you and I. I like the term "Spirits"
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