Haunted Ogden

We are now teaching classes and doing ghost hunts where you can tag along. For info go to www.hauntedogden.com

Sunday, February 3, 2013


 Did I mention I am writing a book?  Several in fact, by writing I mean compiling.   I'm compiling several books on . . . . .drum roll please. . . . . Death.  Surprise!
Actually the first one is Historical.  The chronological account of deaths at Union Station from newspapers, books, life histories etc.   
   The next one will be about "Ghosts at the Station".   This is a compilation of stories from people who have experienced a paranormal moment or two at Ogden's Union Station.  I hope maybe we can connect a couple of the experiences with a confirmed death from the first book. I have stories from employees, volunteers, guests, paranormal investigators and I want to include your experience as well.
Any one that has had or thinks they have had a paranormal experience at Ogden Union Station is invited to share their story with me to add to this book.  Here is a form to get you started.
    The third book is  "Stories At The Station".  This book will be paranormal stories that you share with me that didn't happen at Union Station.   Every time we do an event at the station many people come up and tell us their paranormal experience that happened at their grandmas house or someone elses house, work, church, where ever.  I love these stories and I know you will too.  If you have had a paranormal experience at all, please share your story with me here or at any of the above links. 
Personal experiences are always so much more creepy than fictional ones.  
It may include other paranormal groups and their experiences. Also first hand paranormal experiences from some of the businesses in downtown Ogden and maybe other places in Utah.
    There are some very special stories I'm dying to tell you in this book.  Incredible experiences I have personally had or some one I know personally had  and YOU if you will share with me.
So again share your story, don't be shy, we won't think you are crazy I promise.  This is a safe place to share your story of your paranormal experience.  :-)
Ok, I'm done begging (for now).  Hope to hear from you soon.

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